Search engine optimisation
Markeplay's SEO services can help you get more visitors!
Thanks to Markeplay's SEO services your business will be able to maximize its online success and get more visitors.


Conversion optimization

An integral part of any SEO campaign involves improving the conversion rate of your ecommerce and enhancing the user experience.

User journey targeting

By analyzing and improving the user journey from visitor to buyer, we can help maximize the return on any SEO investment.


Breaking the barriers to conversions

By identifying and correcting the weaknesses of your e-commerce, we will help reduce the number of customers who abandon their cart.


Feed the buying process

By implementing refined marketing tools such as availability indicators, urgency incentives and social proof on your e-commerce, we will make your visitors eager to complete their purchase.


Increase revenue and increase customer spending

We will help create irresistible product bundles, offers and promotional codes to increase the average order value of your customers. We will also help improve cross-selling and up-selling opportunities in your store.

Additional Services offered by Markeplay


1. Search for keywords

The focus of any SEO campaign is strong keyword research. Keyword research tells us which search terms to focus our efforts on and which ones to ignore. It also helps to find new opportunities where there are uncompetitive keywords with good search traffic.

Keyword research is a data-driven process, using tools like Google Trends. It is important to ensure that any SEO campaign targets keywords with sufficient traffic to provide good value for money and ROI.

For any ongoing campaign we will continue to use a data-driven approach to keyword research and analysis, observing industry trends each month and tailoring our approach accordingly.


2. Contents optimization

"Content is king" standard phrase of every SEO expert. Every paragraph on every page of your ecommerce is analyzed by search engines and works for or against the overall ranking of your ecommerce.

The most important aspect of writing good content and optimizing it from an SEO point of view is writing it in a natural way, using it as a tool to help users visit your e-commerce. It's important to consider that the content is written for visitors and not for what we think the search engine bots want to see.


3. Blog

We'll work with you to determine a branding voice and tone for your blog and help you create content that's keyword-rich, engaging, and relevant to your business. A well-written blog post can of course help your e-commerce not only from an SEO point of view but also by providing it with various benefits.

Regularly adding new content to your ecommerce can help attract the attention of search engine bots and new customers. As part of our ongoing optimization packages, we will be writing new posts for your blog on a regular basis.

Data analysis

By analyzing a series of points for your ecommerce to define which parts work well for you and which ones need attention. By collecting and examining this data, we will create an in-depth report that will highlight your browsing strengths and weaknesses and help you fix them for future visitors.

We will discuss your current bounce rate and the strategies you can implement to reduce it. We'll educate you on the best methods you can use to engage with your customers and help you understand who exactly those customers are. Armed with this information, we'll form and tailor a plan to help your business grow.

e-commerce architecture

E-commerce architecture

The structure of your e-commerce could harm your conversions and search engine rankings without you realizing it. We will carry out a comprehensive analysis of the link structure, category hierarchy and use of other navigation tools such as menus, brands and e-commerce filters.

Where changes are needed, our team can make them for you by logging into your Markeplay account. Alternatively, we can suggest improvement areas for you to implement.

html tags

Technical SEO

An assessment of your ecommerce's technical SEO includes examining a wide range of on-site factors. H tags, sitemap and robot files, ecommerce speed, meta tags and page URLs are an often overlooked but important aspect of SEO.

Our one-time packages include a comprehensive technical SEO audit with instructions to follow to increase your optimization score and guidelines to work towards as you go along.

As part of our ongoing optimization packages, we'll provide an initial check, fix any areas that need urgent attention, and then work each month to improve your ecommerce optimization score.

incoming link

Inbound links

One of the most important SEO factors for your e-commerce is the number and quality of links from external websites. Each incoming link is counted as a "vote" for your e-commerce. Links must be one-way (you cannot link to a website in exchange for a return link). They must come from high-quality, reliable sources and most importantly, relevant to your e-commerce industry.

As part of our initial verification, we will review the websites that link to your site and evaluate how much benefit you get from them. As part of our continuous optimization packages, we can help build the quantity and quality of inbound links to your ecommerce.

Pro (one-time optimization)

  • check Monitoring the progress of technical SEO
  • check Tips for optimizing content
  • check Usability checklist
  • check Report
  • €349.00 + VAT
  • Order Now

Advanced (one-time optimization)

  • check Monitoring the progress of technical SEO
  • check Tips for optimizing content
  • checkConversion optimization recommendations
  • checkUsability checklist
  • checkCompetitor analysis
  • checkReport on incoming connections
  • €649.00 + VAT
  • Order now

Continuous optimization
Choose a package below for the continuous optimization of your e-commerce. There is a minimum 3 month contract and you can cancel anytime before your next billing date.


  • checkInitial SEO audit and report
  • check1 blog post per month
  • checkProduct description optimization
  • checkOn-site content optimization
  • checkContinuous optimization of conversions
  • checkMonthly SEO performance report
  • €399.00 + VAT / month
  • Order now


  • checkInitial SEO audit and report
  • check2 blog posts per month
  • checkProduct description optimization
  • checkOn-site content optimization
  • checkContinuous optimization of conversions
  • checkCompetitor monitoring and analysis
  • checkOffsite link building
  • checkMonthly SEO performance report
  • €649.00 + VAT / month
  • Order Now